Episode 161: It's beginning to look a lot like Wadsworth

'Twas the week before Christmas, where nothing was new A pipe had burst, so we had new portaloos Crosses were slung, without direction or care In hopes that St. Rhodes soon would be there; The Town fans stayed nestled all snug in their beds; While visions of Schindler danced in their heads; And Fothers in his waterproofs, and I in my cap, Had just settled into our seats for 90 minutes of crap, There out on the field ran 11 players onto the grass I sank in my chair, where’s the creativity, the goals, the class? Away at the end I flew like a flash, Tore open Social-Media, BOY WE WERE GASH! We dominated the game says the boss on the mic, Who does he think we have, Messi and Van Dijk? And now it’s my turn to pick up the speaker Shall we bin it off lads, it was crap this week, yeah? But in rain or shine we’re always here, The little Town podcast sponsored by Magic Rock Beer I know in our moment that saying good things is tough It’s been a bad season, Town fans have had it rough But I here I whistle, and shout, and call them by name: "ON, KOSI! On, JONNY! On Phil from Kirkheaton! It’s another podcast where we’ve been beaten. Welcome to Episode 161. Phil Senior is back! But the joy is not post Watford.

Intro - Fiery Breeze
Outro - Chris Carter

Artwork - Johnny Hildred, Tom Bradshaw, Matt Shaw

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