Episode 213: Season Review Part 4

FINALLY it's the last episode of the season review. Tom & Brady join Matt to see out the Breitenreiter era. Was this a period of missed opportunity? Should Breitenreiter have gone nuclear so soon or was this purely a deflection?The season peters out into relegation and the lads then do the awards for the Goal of The Season and Matt names who the new Prediction Champion is. Brady and Tom say their farewells as the preview show comes to an end, Matt can't promise that the main pod will continue either, but there is a nice mashup from Adam Jarrell to finish things off with.

Intro - Fiery Breeze
Outro - Adam Jarrell

Artwork: Johnny Hildred, Tom Bradshaw & Matt Shaw.

Want to do The Away Day Log next? Contact Matt on Matt@takesthatchance.com


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