Episode 209: Baldy's Gate

Tale as bald as time
Falling down the league
Refs they aren't our friends
Then somebody wins

Just a little change
Small clubs to say the least
We're a little scared
Are the board prepared?
Jonny and The Beasts

Kosi takes the reigns for episode 209! Baldilocks and the 3 hairs himself brings in Josh Quirke and John McNamara to make it a trio of boiled eggs as Jonny brings the hair. This week the chaps navigate through two disappointing away results, being screwed on two pen shouts and look at the relegation picture. Kieran Phillips heads to Sacramento, Town are up for some awards and will the bald man be held responsible in Kosi V The World as we take the quiz to Hoggwarts.

Intro - Fiery Breeze
Outro - Chris Carter

Artwork: Johnny Hildred, Tom Bradshaw & Matt Shaw.

Want to do The Away Day Log next? Contact Matt on Matt@takesthatchance.com

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