5 things to do in the aftermath

(Image: HTAFC)

Matt Shaw, Founder.
Twitter: @TTCMatt

Hello! It has been a long time since I’ve written anything so I’ve no idea how this will go. It will more than likely be a complete shit show where I fail to keep up with what’s going on, miss 2 blatant points and then have my weight questioned by readers after they find out I only got this gig because I’m best mates with Brady’s stepdad. But anyway, on we go.

Firstly, I have always wondered why is it always 5 things? Is it due to the number of fingers on your hand as you recollect, something to do with the 2010 talk show 5 things I learned today? Seeking answers I sought out my good pal and big 5 things aficionado Steven Chicken on WhatsApp:


Cheers mate, I guess that answers that then.

Five it is! Five is the magic number, it’s the amount of times I mention I used to play in goal on every podcast episode, the amount of seconds we have Kosi’s attention for if La Liga is on TV, the amount of times Brady laughs at his own jokes, the number of biscuits that Phil eviscerates during recording and the amount of words to every song your average swilled up Town fan can remember on a boozy away day. I will never forget that lad at Old Trafford singing “Smile a-while upon the field of play”. That like those two penalty decisions on Sunday will always haunt me. Anyway, stop procrastinating Matt you berk and get on with it!

  1. Heffing get over it!

What’s done is done, move on, get on with life. Easy innit? Well not really because this one stings with injustice. I’m bias granted but in my view, Huddersfield Town were shafted. Shafted by the use of a system set up to eliminate errors and ensure fairness. A system costing millions to create, run and maintain. Its sole aim this weekend was to make sure that “The Richest Game in Football” had a fair and reasonable conclusion. It failed and as such Huddersfield Town are a projected £170m worse off. A club changing amount that if used wisely (this time!) could have changed the face of Huddersfield Town beyond recognition.

The topic of whether Jon Moss should have been awarded this game as a leaving present has been discussed widely by many in football punditry pre and post-match. It is afterall only a couple of weeks ago that Steven Gerrard expressed his relief at Moss’s retirement announcement. Visions of a sweaty, panting Jon Moss failing to keep up with counter attacking play, (almost akin to myself when I take my 4-year-old son Charlie to Smyths, and he bolts upon seeing the Avengers section) caused frustration and disappointment as a number of tactical fouls went unpunished. Lewis O’Brien was clattered several times without suitable punishment. But that’s Jon Moss. To be fair he let us knock Wilfried Zaha around the park in The Premier League in our 3-0 win at Selhurst Park in 2017 so at least he has some form and consistency for it. But what is hard to stomach are the two penalty decisions.


Jon Moss’s saving grace, his silver bullet was VAR. He made an incorrect split decision call on Harry Toffolo in a high paced, intense moment. He was visibly blocked by bodies on the Lewis O’Brien penalty shout, these things happen but can be corrected with the use of technology. That is… If it is used correctly. Unfortunately for us the VARsehole in the room at Stockley Park was Paul Tierney. Tierney has no excuse. So much so that I understand that Huddersfield Town have written to PGMOL seeking answers and if Mark Halsey on Talksport is correct in his assertion that VAR rules and protocols were not followed then things could turn messy if the club wished to make it so. To what end it’s worth pursuing is another matter and I don’t want the club to go full Steve Gibson, but the decisions were bad enough to send even your most level headed Town fan into a thought spiral of conspiracy and corruption. Oddly, my mate Jim who believes in aliens and has been sighted several times at campsites outside Area 51 with a blue book has been strangely quiet.


Town fans are rightly angry and so I’m sure are the players and staff. Fan favourite Michael Hefele spoke for all of us in the frustrating aftermath and no amount of professional pillockry by the likes of Rod Studd could silence the emotions. But despite myself being initially narked by Rod Studd, perhaps there is a semblance of truth to what he’s put. As clouded heads start to clear it is important that we rationalise and move on.

It is good to blow off steam and vent from time to time. It starts the healing process. The scars will always remain from this defeat and this one will bear scar tissue for a long time but for Huddersfield Town football club the process to move on from Sunday and look forward must start immediately. In defeat it is important to act with some amount of grace and congratulate the winner, Nottingham Forest have had an incredible season and fully deserve to be playing Premier League football after the run they’ve had since Steve Cooper took over. I’d like to wish the very best to the people that we’ve collaborated with over the last few seasons in The Forest Ramble and Mr Dore. Go and enjoy it, it has been a long time coming.

Huddersfield Town and its players and coaching staff also deserved promotion after their own fabulous run but their heads now need to focus on what is ahead as it is important to avoid a playoff hangover like the club suffered way back in 1992 and the one that Barnsley suffered this season. Carlos and co need a good break, recharge the old batteries, and come back powered up and ready to go once again. Huddersfield Town are in a position of strength going into 2022/23 and this can be built upon. Let’s do it.

2. Sort the club ownership issue

Call me Thor the complainant as since I started putting together these 5 topics, I’ve had some thunder stolen (I know but it’s all I had). The thunder stealing so and so’s on this occasion are The Daily Mail who broke the story that Dean Hoyle has agreed to re-purchase 100% ownership of the club. The club and supporters needed clarification on what was happening and whilst this isn’t an official communication from the club it does help to relieve some pressure from those supporters worried by Dean’s programme notes back in January. But like Johnny 5 in Short Circuit of course we want to know more as we always do! MORE INPUT!

If Dean is to become sole owner again then great, but the fans will want answers to a number of questions:

  • Is he willing to fund the club again like in the past?

  • What happens to the debt owed to Dean?

  • What are his plans for the club moving forward?

  • What happens to the stadium now he is reluctant to take on the running of it?

  • Does Dean want to keep Huddersfield in the top 30 clubs in the country? What are the aims of the club and where do we now sit in terms of our own self-belief and worth.

  • What ticket priority system will be used going forward?

There are far more questions than just those off of the top of my head but if Dean wanted a platform to host a Q&A then I would be delighted to provide one for him on the podcast and could host a live Q&A.

Prior to this season Town fans have been slowly drifting away in apathy. Some transparency, excitement and an achievable plan would get a lot back onside immediately. Dean has a long history of being able to say the right things at the right times to the fanbase and I hope that he can get a positive message across straight away as this will help to lift any remaining gloom and unite us going forward next season.

3. Reward Good Performances

Still with me? Amazing! Many have probably failed to get this far so I just want to say thank you for everyone who has read to this point and continues. Your support is always appreciated.

Town have never been high rollers or much of a concern to Kieran Maguire on his excellent Price of Football podcast when it comes to wages. Town have always kept a manageable and prudent wage bill when compared to their peers and this season is apparently no different. But that does not mean Town can’t reward excellent achievements. It was superb news for me and my little boy to wake up to on the 20th May to hear that his favourite player “Mango Sorba Thomas” had signed a new long-term contract. Sorba an ice-cold winger has been one of the best finds in the 2nd tier and has been suitably rewarded.


Carlos Corberan has just overseen Town’s best 2nd tier finish since 1969/70. It is paramount that his position at this club is protected, rewarded, and built upon if we are to be serious about next season. Yes, the coaching team are contracted until 2024 but incrementing their wages to adjust to their value and experience is something necessary to me. Dean Hoyle to his credit knew that we were on to a good thing with David Wagner and the great man signed several contract increases and extensions during his stay. Carlos has been elevating himself towards that level and it would be a shame to lose him at this stage as he builds the side. Similar praise should be levied at Leigh Bromby. After a rocky start as Head of Football Operations, Leigh has put some impressive building blocks in place, players and staff under him are improving and he has proven to be a good sounding board for Carlos over the course of the last 12 months. On the playing side there can be no debate that Lee Nicholls, Harry Toffolo, and Jon Russell need tying down for a longer period on improved terms.

4. Get the Retained List out ASAP

Who’d have thought that the super air-conditioned stadiums plan from Qatari pipe dreamers would fail leading to a winter World Cup? The energy needed for one game would have powered 10,000 And He Takes That Chance podcasts. Ok, I have completely made that up but it’s not hard to see why it’s failed… Matt, why are you rambling on about Qatar and the World Cup??? Well… With the World Cup in winter this means that the 22/23 football season is now due to start on the 30th of July. This gives Town just 2 months for everyone to have a break, organise the pre-season schedule, complete it and to get their house in order for the new season. I am sure the players in question know their fates already but Town need to be reactive immediately as the market opens up. Town have 8 players out of contract (Toffolo and Koroma have 12-month extension options) and see Levi Colwill, Tino Anjorin and Danel Sinani return to their parent clubs, although it is not clear at the moment whether Town have an option or agreement with Norwich for Sinani.

I will write a bit more specifically about this later this week so keep your eyes peeled if you like this sort of thing.

5. Get Yer Kits Out For The Lads!

and everyone else of course! Through doing last summer’s marketing and kits podcast with Jonathan Wilkinson and Luke Cowan I have been lucky enough to speak to Luke on a couple of occasions but despite us getting on very well he has given me zero inside info on this season’s kits! I tried, honestly! Now from listening to the chaps talk brilliantly about the process last summer it would be fair to assume that the playoff final may delay the release of the new kit as further planning and potential changes may have been required. I am sure though that if we’re patient we’ll see the new kits as soon as is possible and the guys will be working long hours to get them to us as quickly as they can. That being said, there is nothing quite like the optimism and pre-season excitement that a new kit launch brings and whilst I don’t foresee any Paddy Power shenanigans this time, I’m looking forward to seeing what the club come up with this season. I’ve offered up my youngster and Kosi as Huddersfield’s next top models for the launch but have oddly not heard anything back, the catwalk awaits.

Anyway, those are 5 things this playoff mourning soul would like to see happen going forward, anything that you’d like to see? Get the conversation started in the comments section below.