A football wishlist for the next decade!

Richard Kosmala, Podcaster, Writer & Casual Crooner.
Twitter: @Richardkosmala


1.  Safe Standing 

Seems absolutely bonkers that I can stand in the South Stand each week in a seated area, with the risk that brings, yet there seems to be very slow progress and resistance in the football world to bringing in safe standing. Having had a little taste of this in Germany last month, it is the way forward for sure in my eyes and will also prevent ridiculous situations you see (mostly in our away games), where you have people wanting to sit down in a seat but can’t see because of folk standing. Give people the choice! 

2. Be able to watch all games in UK on I follow/TV

Getting a bit more controversial now, but when I went away recently, I was hugely impressed at the coverage of the I follow streaming for live games you can buy via our website for approximately £6 per match which allowed me to keep my hand in with all things HTAFC. We’ve seen the midweek games and some over the festive period (bah humbug Boro) now appear behind the Sky red button and lets be honest, how many of us if we couldn’t get to the ground, logged onto a stream in the Premier League days and still do now in the Championship if you can find our game? Why as we approach 2020, can we not watch 46 games via whatever platform legally in the UK and enjoy what our ex-pats do each week? I’m really not sure it would have the effect on attendances people predict. At the end of the day people are doing it now anyway so why can’t the club make some money out of it and sell the games here? A lot of people work shifts and some crazy hours these days, they should be allowed to watch the games in my view if they can’t get to the stadiums, just like I did in Spain. Rant over! 

3. Officials explaining decisions after the game

All of a sudden now we have a host of ex referees such as Dermot Gallagher, Graham Poll, Mark Halsey , etc., on TV games trying to explain why the referee or lines-person gave the decision they did. I find it hugely frustrating that after the games we get no communication from the officials as to why a certain decision was made or not made (e.g., Grant penalty claim v Blackburn) I saw an interview with Chris Wilder who had been in the referees room after the controversial game at Manchester City yesterday to get an explanation of key moments but why can’t they let us all know post match? I genuinely feel it would help bridge the gap between players, officials and us the paying public. The NFL shows the way forward with this with cricket and Rugby Union too. Certainly we won’t agree with what is said most of the time i’m sure, but it would be nice to know instead of leaving the stadiums wondering why in huge frustration!!

4. Fans showing more respect at the games and on social media

Our own Karlan Grant a victim of this on his return to The Valley on Instagram with a vile message sent to him by a home ‘fan’ who couldn’t take defeat the other week. Sadly a lot of our own have let themselves down and there were many players in the bad times of last season and early this getting some disgraceful tweets sent to them. Phil Hodgkinson our chairman not immune from getting some vile posts. I wish the social media companies could do more to police things. I love the connection that social media gives you, it’s been good to me personally — but if I was a player these days i’m not sure i’d want to be anywhere near it.  We talk about mental health a lot more these days thankfully but in my eyes you should never post anything you wouldn’t say to someones face. The damage it can do is horrific. We also are seeing sadly so many more incidents of racist behaviour too in games up and down the country. We need to see serious punishments dished out, not the pathetic ones we are used to. It’s only a game when all is said and done, but the anger you see in some of the stadiums now from people is scary. Standards are low and here’s hoping on and off the pitch they improve lots in the next decade. 

5. Capping of Away Ticket Prices

It isn’t easy being an away supporter in the UK. Prices are extreme (roll on Leeds and Wednesday away in 2020) , transport services are getting worse, more and more games are being shifted for TV and at times it feels there is little encouragement to travel. Our club does more than most - Boro fans were charged £10 for the game here earlier this season, nice to see them charging us £30 on boxing day to return the favour. Of course we had 2 nice seasons of £30 capping in the Prem, but in my eyes in this division, Twenty should without a doubt be plenty. If a club has empty seats in a ground, then people who work in them are not doing enough in my eyes. Bravo to Southampton for £10 admission in the Cup on Saturday. Attitudes need to change. 

Communication needs to improve with officials and everyone

Communication needs to improve with officials and everyone

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